
Recommended Reads: October 2014


Here are the October picks for my monthly meme with Recommended reads from the previous month.  

I've slowed down my reading a bit due to going back to work full-time, so have only book recommendation this month - Complicated Creatures: Part II by Alexi Lawless.

Genre/Themes: Romantic Suspense, Military
My rating 4.5 stars, review to come
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I was contacted by the author, Ms Alexi Lawless, with a request to review the first book in this series back in the summer. I usually don't take such request since I don't really have the time, but something in the blurb of the book told me to make an exception. And I was so glad I did since I ended loving Complicated Creatures: Part I so much that I recommended it to all my friends on GR. It ends with a cliffhanger and I couldn't wait for its sequel. Complicated Creatures: Part II didn't disappoint. It has everything I look for in a good book - competent and strong writing, engaging story and characters, plot twists and turns, passionate love. 

Feel free to share your Recommended Reads from September in the link up tool or the comments. I'll be happy to check them out :)

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