
My Favourite Books of 2021


Here is the list of the top 10 romances I loved reading in 2021. They are arranged by order of reading, none more deserving than the rest. 

1. Love at First by Kate Clayborn. I love Ms Clayborn's writing so much and this is my favourite book of hers to date. It's a grief romance (by some chance I read quite a few of those this year) that made me ugly cry through parts of it and gave a most satisfying it-was-all-worth-it end. Highly recommended but check the CWs first. 
Read my review 

2. Rosaline Palmer Takes the Cake by Alexis Hall. Mr Hall is my all-time favourite author and I would read anything he writes. This was just as good as any of his other books. This is a contemporary m/f romance with a bi heroine, it has some WF vibes and a love triangle of sorts which I found very moving and satisfying. 
3. Fugitive Telemetry by Martha Wells. This is the latest installment in the Murderbot series of Sci-fi novels and all I can say is that I love Murderbot with all my heart, this rogue Sec Unit is sarcastic and loyal and more humane than many humans I meet in real life and in fiction. 

4. For the Wolf by Hannah Whitten. A debut fantasy romance, dark retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. There is a bit too much gore for my taste but I liked the world building, the story was very engaging and the romance was very, very good. 

5. Subtle Blood by KJ Charles. This is the final book in the Will Darling Adventures of m/m historical romance set in the 1920s London. The whole series has been great and this was the perfect ending. The love confessions are some of the most romantic ones I have read. 

6. Accidentally Engaged by Farah Heron, contemporary arranged marriage/fake relationship romance with Indian Muslim MCs. Messy families for the win, amazing independent heroine, great hero. 

7. The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri. This is my favourite non-romance book of 2021. It's a most amazing fantasy inspired by Indian history and myths. Budding f/f romance. Gorgeous writing. I just loved everything about it.

8. Last Guard by Nalini Singh. Another winner in the Psy-changeling series. After 15+ books and shorts in the series, this one is probably in my top 3. First time a hero with disability in the series, amazing heroine, great suspense plot, nothing I can say about the book and whole series could be enough. 

9. Battle Royal by Lucy Parker. All of Lucy Parker's books I have read so far have been amazing and this one was no different. It's another grief romance despite some cute romcom moments. It's moving and angsty with the ultimately the perfect ending. 

10. The Brightest Star in Paris by Diana Biller. I was late discovering Ms Biller, I only read The Widow of Rosa House this year. This is book 2 in the series and it's a historical romance unlike any other I have read. Set in Paris in 1870/80s, a historical period I don't know much about. There is a lot of trauma and grief and darkness and not one but three friendly ghosts. It's brilliant. 

Bonus recommendations:
Greek myths retellings became a thing for me this year and I didn't know I could enjoy them as much as I did.

The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. I think everyone has already read this book which came out 10 years ago but I only got to it now and it's utterly gorgeous.

Lore Olympus, a comic by Rachel Smythe. It's my first adult comic/graphic novel which I read following a recommendation by a friend. I never knew a comic could bring forth so many feelings in me. It's everything I love in romance - moving, funny and smart.

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