
Things I liked This Week


I'm trying to get back into blogging, so here is a new thing I want to test out. I'd like to add a more personal touch to my blog and will be doing hopefully a weekly, more likely a bi-weekly post with things I enjoyed during the week. I'm taking this idea (with permission :) from Alexis Hall's whose monthly posts on things he liked the previous author I enjoy reading and look forward to every month. 

Without further prelude, here a a couple of things that caught my attention this past week and brought me joy. 

1. Nike’s ad honouring the win of the USWNT at the World Cup football! I couldn't follow the tournament directly, none of the TV channels here showed it, to my utter disappointment it went mostly ignored in the sports sections of the news as well. Anyway, as a football fan and a woman, I have strong feelings about the women's football and it's place in the world of sports. The more positive ones are captured in this Nike's commercial brilliantly. While I acknowledge the US's focus in the ad, it's still awe-inspiring and very much thought-provoking re women's rights in general. 

2. Staying on the topic of beautiful, strong women fighting for their rights, being gorgeous and an inspiration to me. Gwendoline Christie submits herself and wins an Emmy nomination after the producers of the show ignore her. Sometimes one has to take matters in your hands and not wait on the arbitrary judgement of others to acknowledge your worth and achievements.  As a fan of the series and the books even more, seeing my all my favourite female characters in the series nominated, is deeply satisfying. 

I bow to thee, Ser Brienne of Tarth, a Knight of the Seven Kingdoms :)

3. The final thing I liked this week is a Bored Panda list with photos of nature reclaiming its place against civilization. The photos range from funny, through serious to harrowing and they are well worth a look if nature or photography is your thing.


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