
Review: Love on the Tracks by Tamsen Parker


Title: Love on the Tracks (Fire and Ice Games #1) 
Author: Tamsen Parker
Genre: Winter sports, musicians

Author links: WebsiteFacebook / Reader Group / Twitter
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My rating: 3.5 Stars


Welcome to the Snow and Ice Games where the competition is fierce and the romance is HOT.

Rowan Andrews is the unexpected darling of the Denver Snow and Ice Games. Luge has never captured the American public’s imagination as much as figure skating or even hockey, but her outsized personality and dare-devil ways have got everyone’s eyes glued to the track. Including a certain chart-topping heartthrob. 

Zane Rivera is the lead singer of License to Game, the hottest band in the country. When Zane finds out Rowan Andrews has had some complimentary things to say about him, he arranges to meet her while he’s in Denver enjoying the games. And when a photo of him kissing Rowan on the cheek goes viral, they both see the advantages of faking a relationship for the publicity.

After Rowan’s injured in her final race, their relationship starts to feel all too real to Zane. But is this rock star ready to fall in love?


An an avid fan of winter sports (just watching on TV, not participating but still) I was very excited to read this romance featuring a female luger and boy band lead singer in a fake relationship while in reality both have a secret crush on the other.

It's a light, fun story though the characters came off as a bit immature and I would have like some more depth in their arcs.

I appreciate that the author chose to highlight a sport that is not so popular. Rowan is a professional athlete and we get to see how ever-present sports is in her life, how it shapes everything about her. What's more Zane was not only not resentful of her commitment to her professional career but he admired her dedication, he absolutely adored her very muscular and athletic body. There is some light femdom which I found fitting to the characters. There was no shame on his part for enjoying letting her call the shots in bed. 

Zane a typical musician in a boy band, he is enjoying his fame and good fortune but also looking forward to the next steps in his career. He didn't stand out as much as she did for me though I liked how supporting, caring and the same non-suffocating and non-alpha he acted with Rowan. 

The main conflict felt a bit artificial and we saw her dad undeservedly presented as the villain in their story. It all read a bit too much like your average NA romance but was enjoyable overall. 

I didn't appreciate the jab at the Russian athletes at the end, felt it was unnecessary for the story.

It's  a nice story, a bit on the sweet side. I liked the way the author presented the world of professional winter sports and I'm looking to reading the next books in the series.

Purchase links: Amazon / B&N / Google Play / iBooks / Kobo

EE Ottoman

Review: The Doctor's Discretion by EE Ottoman


Title: The Doctor's Discretion
Author: EE Ottoman
Date of publication: 28 Nov 2017
Genre / Themes: Historical romance / Trans characters

Author's links: Website / Twitter / Facebook / Goodreads
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My rating: 4.5 Stars


New York City, 1831.

Passion, medicine and a plan to break the law ...

When Doctor William Blackwood, a proper gentleman who prefers books to actual patients, meets retired Navy surgeon Doctor Augustus Hill, they find in each other not just companionship but the chance of pleasure--and perhaps even more. The desire between them is undeniable but their budding relationship is disrupted by the arrival of a mysterious patient at New York Hospital.

Mr. Moss has been accused of being born a woman but living his life as a man, an act that will see him committed to an asylum for the rest of his life. William and Augustus are determined to mount a rescue even if it means kidnapping him instead.

Their desperate plan sets William and Augustus against the hospital authorities, and the law. Soon they find themselves embroiled in New York's seedy underworld, mixed up with prostitutes, spies, and more than a lifetime's worth of secrets. When nothing is as it seems can they find something real in each other?


This is my second book EE Ottoman, the first being Documenting Light, which I loved, and this one was just as good. It's a historical trans romance involving two doctors and a patient they save from being sent to an asylum for living as a trans man.

Without revealing much of the plot since there is quite an intriguing suspense/mystery there, I'd describe this story as one about empathy and compassion and kindness and treating everyone as equal human being.

I enjoy the author's writing which is both tight and somewhat lyrical. It draws you in and makes you care deeply for the fate of the characters. I liked how the story brought together the personal and political without becoming preachy. The politics of the day are inescapable for everyone but they are even more intruding into and shaping (for better or worse) the lives of people like William and August and Moss.

It's fast-paced, dynamic story interwoven with a tender romance. The characters are not idealised, they make mistakes and learn and grow and the reader is taken along for the ride. Their daring escape takes them outside their everyday routines, placing them in extreme circumstance where they show their humanity and empathy and this is the element in the story I loved the most. Seeing how people can be do good and follow their moral code and take a stand against inhumanity, degradation and inequality in whatever small way they can, it was so uplifting.

In addition to William and Augustus (and Moss), there is also a great cast of secondary characters who add richness to the story.

It's a fantastic read, complex and poignant, tender and intriguing, rich in historical detail which I greatly recommend to all fans of historical romance.

Purchase links: AMAZON / IBOOKS / B&N / GOOGLE PLAY / KOBO

Author Spotlight

Friday Favourites with Liz Jacobs


This is my last Friday Favourties post for 2017 and it's my greatest pleasure to have Liz Jacobs, author of queer romance, a wonderful human being and a dear friend. Her next release is the second and final book in her queer NA series Abroad. Abroad: Book One is a stunning debut, an unforgettable story of finding oneself and one's place in the world. It's one of my #bestbooks2017. Abroad: Book Two comes out on 2 Jan 2018 and you can read its blurb and pre-order links at the end of this post. 

Friday Favourites

1. Favourite place
Ohhh, this is hard! There are so many to pick from: cities, countries, little places... But let's go with the cheesiest one, which is my home, with my wife. The most important factor being my wife, obviously, because she is home. (I know. GROSS. *vomits*)

2. Favourite food and drink
First, let me just say, I LOVE FOOD. I cannot possibly pick one, BUT I will give a favorite meal, which is—pan-roasted chicken with roasted veggies. It just feels like the perfect meal.

Oh, and Pho. And Ramen. And…okay, I love soups with stuff in them.

I cheated, sue me. I love food!

Favorite drink is tea, Earl Grey, hot. (No milk.)

3. Favourite music/genre/artist/song
You're killing me, Smalls. I love many different kinds of music—it really varies with mood, where I am, etc. I can say that I am currently obsessed with Janelle Monae to an unhealthy degree. My favorite band of all time is possibly the Manic Street Preachers, followed closely by My Chemical Romance. (In fact, I woke up with My Chem in my head this morning, HELLO DARKNESS, MY OLD FRIEND.) I also love pop and some classical (Bach is my boo) and Spanish guitar and salsa music and and and…

4. Favourite movie/TV series
Movie: I'mmmm…gonna go with the Lord of the Rings trilogy, for it is everything Perfect and Good in this world. It gives me all the made family and friendship feels and also brings light to dark places. It's just so wonderful. SO WONDERFUL. (With Four Weddings and a Funeral as runner-up, not winning because the main love story is Zzzzzzzzzzzz… but the supporting cast are amazing and wonderful.)

TV series: HOW DARE. Oh, man. Let's go with "shows I have rewatched a million times" which will leave us with: due South (mounties! Dogs! Partnerships!) and Veronica Mars.

5. Favourite hobby besides writing, if you consider writing a hobby
I have been very vocal about my cross-stitching as of late, so that, at the moment. I'm also a big reader, to no one's surprise. I've been known to draw, but haven't in a while (unless you count doodles). I used to make a ton of jewelry. I'm basically a hobby dilettante.

6. Favourite books
Listen, I would consider this evil, if I didn't have a definitive answer, which is, At Swim, Two Boys by Jamie O'Neill. It's not an easy book, and it's not exactly a happy book. But it is absolutely astonishing in its scope and heart and the writing is simply sublime. It's a truly incredible, unique, special book that I want everybody in the world to read.

Runners up include: a few Russian books that haven't been translated and never will be (more's the pity), as well as Jane Austen's Persuasion, KJ Charles' A Seditious Affair and Think of England, Anyta Sunday's rock (the biggest book hangover, omg), Alexis Hall's Prosperity (another massive book hangover), and Joanna Chambers' Enlightenment series (which I first read WHILE hungover, and it cured not only my hangover but also cleared my skin and brought on temporary world peace).

I should stop there, shouldn't I…

Abroad: Book Two


The heartwarming and romantic conclusion to the duology celebrated by Teen Vogue as “a nuanced and sexy take on growing up and learning to accept who you are.”

Nick Melnikov has finally done it — he’s come out.

To himself. To his sister. And to Dex, who listens, hears him, and understands. To Dex, who kisses him and shows him all that they could be, if Nick could only find the courage. It’s one thing to let yourself be open thousands of miles away from your family, but exchange student Nick is uncomfortably aware that his time with Dex is running out. Who will he be when he goes home again?

Dex Cartwell is as happy with Nick as he’s ever been, but he can’t ignore the shadow of Nick’s inevitable departure from London, back to his life in Michigan. Is it worth it for Dex to expose his heart to another doomed relationship with a predetermined expiration date? What does Dex really want for the beginning of the next chapter in his life, post-graduation?

Dex wants to turn to his best friend in the struggle to find a way forward, but Izzy Jones has her own problems. She’s got one friend in love with her, and when she turns to another for help things get twice as complicated. Izzy never wanted complicated, but life just keeps getting in the way — and sweeping her off her feet.

Then Nick’s mom and sister come for a visit, and he is forced to decide between living his truth and protecting himself from fear and change. It’s going to take a lot of courage and a few leaps in the dark if Nick, Dex, and Izzy are to find a way to live and love on their own terms.

Pre-order links: Amazon US / Amazon UK / B&N / Brain Mill Press

Author Bio and Links

Liz Jacobs came over with her family from Russia at the age of 11, as a Jewish refugee. All in all, her life has gotten steadily better since that moment. They settled in an ultra-liberal haven in the middle of New York State, which sort of helped her with the whole “grappling with her sexuality” business.

She has spent a lot of her time flitting from passion project to passion project, but writing remains her constant. She has flown planes, drawn, made jewelry, had an improbable internet encounter before it was cool, and successfully wooed the love of her life in a military-style campaign. She has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize for her essay on her family’s experience with immigration.

She currently lives with her wife and dog in Massachusetts, splitting her time between her day job, writing, and watching a veritable boatload of British murder mysteries.

M/M romance

Review: A Love Song for the Sad Man in the White Coat by Roe Horvat


Title: A Love Song for the Sad Man in the White Coat 
Author: Roe Horvat
Genre: MM romance

Author links: Website / Facebook / Goodreads
Add to Goodreads

My rating: 4 Stars


Simon had always expected love to feel different than this. Whether it was his Catholic upbringing or the poetry he'd read - Simon had thought that true love would be uplifting, fulfilling, that it would give a meaning to his loitering, and add joy to his leisure. But not this kind of love. This love was a flesh-eating monster, sharp-clawed and evil-eyed, ravishing his mind with medieval cruelty.

Dr Simon Mráz is a respected specialist and lecturer at the Charles University in Prague. He is a serious man, responsible. His students call him The Cruel Doctor Frost not because he's unkind, but because of his unwavering, ice-cold composure. As a psychiatrist, he values sanity. And sanity can be found in work, restraint, and self-control.

Not many know of that one time in the past when The Cruel Doctor Frost lost his cool. His ill-advised, secret affair with a student left Simon deeply wounded. Since that day, every minute of Simon's life has been a struggle to remain sane, functioning. He's managed so far - as long as he is needed, as long as his work makes a difference, Simon can scrape together enough strength to get up in the morning and run off the nightmares. But when his friends begin drifting away, his beloved protégé becomes independent, and the man who bereaved Simon of his precious sanity might return... Simon's mind and body stop responding to his impressive willpower.


I loved Roe Horvat debut mm novella, The Layover which I read earlier this year after a friend recommended it on Twitter. When the author offered ARCs of  their latest release, I jumped at the chance and wow, what a story that turned out to be - achingly beautiful!

The story is told in 3 parts - present, past and back to the present. It's a very angsty romance, heart-breaking, the first two parts in particular brought tears to my eyes more times than I care to admit. While I liked the ending, I felt it was a bit rushed and would have loved to see more of the way Simon and Matej worked the issues between them. 

Simon is a brilliant portrayal of a complicated man going through difficult times. He appeared cold and disillusioned, a cynic masking his pain behind sarcasm and lashing out on his friends in an attempt to hide how lonely and miserable he is. He is a psychiatrist and tries to self-diagnose (he has dysthimia) and self-medicate himself... that doesn't go very well.

He is a truly unforgettable character. We see him with his friends and colleagues and family and glimpses of his time with Matej and i every interaction we see a different facet of his personality. He appears cold and unapproachable and yet I wanted to hold him close, promise him that everything will be OK, give him hope to go on.

And then we have Matej, a complete opposite to Simon in so many ways, attractive, lilvely, the center of any party but very much like Simon, acting out in order to escape his issues. We don't get his POV until late in the story and this kept me as a reader in the same position as Simon, totally enamoured with Matej, yet angry and confused about his actions. And then, boom he is back and the everything tilts off its axis. 

We do get his perspective on things before and now, yet I felt it wasn't enough. I wanted to see how he got to be the person he was when he got back, how he dealt with the past and became who he was in the present.

Part 3, the resolution felt a bit rushed. We see Simon and Matej angry and hurt and so far apart from each other and then the forgiveness and getting together happened without them really working through their issues. I read this as HFN ending with the promise for them to work together on overcoming past hurts and both acknowledging the efforts it would take to be together and showing a commitment to go all the way.

One of the best things in this story for me was the strong sense of place the author created. As an Eastern European myself it spoke to me so much and made me feel at home. Prague reminded me a lot of Sofia - with its old small steers, the summer heat, the tramways, the old majestic buildings, the pressures of the old patriarchal society.

Overall, I really enjoy this author's writing style and find their stories speak to me on deeply personal level. This mm romance is a recommended reading if you are looking for a emotionally intense story that will give you all the feels.

PS: There are some deleted scenes on the author's website that are not to be missed.

Purchase links: Publisher / Amazon

Author Spotlight

Friday Favourites with Roe Horvat


Today I have a special Friday Favourites post. My guest is Roe Horvat whose third book, A Love Song for the Sad Man in the White Coat, is released today. I discovered their writing earlier when a friend on Twitter recommended Roe's debut, The Layover, which ended up being one of my #bestbooks2017. I was lucky enough to get an ARC of their newest release and after reading it I can say is "Wow. What a ride." What speaks to me the most in Roe's books is how deeply European they feel, all the details are there and it makes me feel right at home in their writing world. Anyway, I will be reviewing A Love Song for the Sad Man in the White Coat soon and in the meantime read on to get to know Roe Hrovat a bit better and don't forget to grab your copy of it. 

Friday Favourites

1. Favourite place
My backyard—a wooden patio, strawberries, a steep cliff, and a view over Gothenburg.

2. Favourite food and drink

Favorite: A proper hamburger with bacon and cheese, and strawberry daiquiri. However, I can’t imagine my life without bread, butter, and beer – those are necessary.

3. Favourite music/genre/artist/song

Morphine (Cure for Pain)

4. Favourite movie/TV series

A Room with a View (1985), Kontroll (Hungary, 2003) 

Iron Man, Avengers

Black Books, Red Dwarf

5. Favourite hobby besides writing, if you consider writing a hobby

Reading :D

I walk, too. Preferably alone.

6. Favourite books 

All time:

Douglas Adams

Jane Austen

Bohumil Hrabal

Charlotte Brontë

…I’m sure I forgot someone important.

LGBTQA+ fiction and romance:

They know :D

7. Please introduce your latest/upcoming release (what inspired you to write, what can the readers expect from it, etc.)

A Love Song for the Sad Man in the White Coat comes out today – Dec 15th. It’s a sad book about finding happiness and a peace of mind. Simon is my closest imaginary friend (I have to say “imaginary”—otherwise they might lock me up), and I needed him to stop suffering—so I wrote him a chance for a better life.

A Love Song for the Sad Man in the White Coat

Beaten Track Publishing

m/m contemporary romantic fiction novel, 63000 words

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Purchase links: Publisher / Amazon

Simon had always expected love to feel different than this. Whether it was his Catholic upbringing or the poetry he’d read—Simon had thought that true love would be uplifting, fulfilling, that it would give a meaning to his loitering, and add joy to his leisure. But not this kind of love. This love was a flesh-eating monster, sharp-clawed and evil-eyed, ravishing his mind with medieval cruelty.

Dr Simon Mráz is a respected specialist and lecturer at the Charles University in Prague. He is a serious man, responsible. His students call him The Cruel Doctor Frost not because he’s unkind, but because of his unwavering, ice-cold composure. As a psychiatrist, he values sanity. And sanity can be found in work, restraint, and self-control.

Not many know of that one time in the past when The Cruel Doctor Frost lost his cool. His ill-advised, secret affair with a student left Simon deeply wounded. Since that day, every minute of Simon’s life has been a struggle to remain sane, functioning. He’s managed so far—as long as he is needed, as long as his work makes a difference, Simon can scrape together enough strength to get up in the morning and run off the nightmares. But when his friends begin drifting away, his beloved protégé becomes independent, and the man who bereaved Simon of his precious sanity might return… Simon’s mind and body stop responding to his impressive willpower. 

Author Bio and Links

Roe was born in former Czechoslovakia and endured a miserable adolescence in the post-communist wasteland. Equipped with a dark sense of sarcasm, they left for Germany and later, Spain.

Finally, they settled in Sweden, where the weather is nasty but the freedom great. Roe works as a motion graphics artist, loves Jane Austen, Douglas Adams and everything in between, preferably by the fireplace with a strawberry daiquiri in hand. Roe writes contemporary romantic fiction – it conveniently balances out their real-life pragmatism.

When not hiding in the studio doing graphics, Roe can be found trolling cafés in Gothenburg, writing, and people-watching.

Alyssa Cole

Joint Review: An Extraordinary Union and A Hope Divided by Alyssa Cole


Title: An Extraordinary Union (The Royal League #1)
Date of publication: 28 March 2017
Genre: Historical romance, the Civil War 

Author's links: Website / Twitter / Goodreads
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My rating: 5 Stars


As the Civil War rages between the states, a courageous pair of spies plunge fearlessly into a maelstrom of ignorance, deceit, and danger, combining their unique skills to alter the course of history and break the chains of the past . . .

Elle Burns is a former slave with a passion for justice and an eidetic memory. Trading in her life of freedom in Massachusetts, she returns to the indignity of slavery in the South—to spy for the Union Army.

Malcolm McCall is a detective for Pinkerton's Secret Service. Subterfuge is his calling, but he’s facing his deadliest mission yet—risking his life to infiltrate a Rebel enclave in Virginia.

Two undercover agents who share a common cause—and an undeniable attraction—Malcolm and Elle join forces when they discover a plot that could turn the tide of the war in the Confederacy's favor. Caught in a tightening web of wartime intrigue, and fighting a fiery and forbidden love, Malcolm and Elle must make their boldest move to preserve the Union at any cost—even if it means losing each other


I can't believe I waited this long to read this. It's a remarkable, engaging romance with strong suspense elements, a romantic spy thriller during the US Civil War.

I loved both the hero and heroine each of whom went through a journey of their own. Elle is one of the best romance heroine I have read in a while. She is strong and independent and super smart (with eidetic memory) and she is a spy for the Royal League helping the Union. As a free Black working under the disgiuse of a mute slave, she has a lot to deal with without the added complication of meeting a charming white man (who also happens to be spy for RL)

Malcolm was a complex and intriguing hero. Charming and easy going, he is in fact closer to a beta hero than an alpha. I liked how him meeting Elle and getting to know her forced him to examine his his own hero/white saviour complex. And he was not bitter or angry over but rather accept he had a lot to and improve about himself and the world went on making both of them better. 

There was no easy sway for them to be together. They both first had to believe it was possible and then start working on making it a reality while still doing their mission. Their romance was very physical but also based on mutual respect and admiration. Elle is smarter than him and he is not intimidated by this, but rather in awe of her strengths, endurance.

She takes a risk, opens her heart to the impossible. There was much focus on the inner struggles between what she feels is her duty to herself and her people and the love she feels for Malcolm, willing to trust him. In the end they we were working together for the benefit of her people while following their hearts.

The story was full of plot twists and turns that kept me on the edge the whole time I was reading.

This is an exquisitely written story, rich in detail in the lives of slaves and slave owners and soldiers and rebels. All character are vivid, memorable. Highly recommended read!

Purchase links: Amazon | iBooks | Kobo | B&N

*** *** ***

Title: A Hope Divided (The Royal League #2)
Date of publication: 28 Nov 2017
Genre: Historical romance, the Civil War 

Author's links: Website / Twitter / Goodreads

My rating: 3 Stars


The Civil War has turned neighbor against neighbor--but for one scientist spy and her philosopher soldier, war could bind them together . . . 

For three years of the War Between the States, Marlie Lynch has helped the cause in peace: with coded letters about anti-Rebel uprisings in her Carolina woods, tisanes and poultices for Union prisoners, and silent aid to fleeing slave and Freeman alike. Her formerly enslaved mother's traditions and the name of a white father she never knew have protected her--until the vicious Confederate Home Guard claims Marlie's home for their new base of operations in the guerilla war against Southern resistors of the Rebel cause.

Unbeknowst to those under her roof, escaped prisoner Ewan McCall is sheltering in her laboratory. Seemingly a quiet philosopher, Ewan has his own history with the cruel captain of the Home Guard, and a thoughtful but unbending strength Marlie finds irresistible.

When the revelation of a stunning family secret places Marlie's freedom on the line, she and Ewan have to run for their lives into the hostile Carolina night. Following the path of the Underground Railroad, they find themselves caught up in a vicious battle that could dash their hopes of love--and freedom--before they ever cross state lines.


This is the second book in the series and it's very different in tone than the first book despite the outward similarities. This is the story of Ewan, Malcolm's brother (who is a soldier and interrogator for the Union) falling for Marlie, a free mixed race woman (spy for the Union and healer woman).

It's a very character focused story where the suspense elements are less prominent than in the first book. For me it read like an exploration of the human soul with its darkest, scariest corners but there was also light and hope there too.

Marlie comes from tradition of healers but she also believes in science and she pracitces a mixture of hoodoo beliefs and scientific approach to healing. She leads a sort of privilege, sheltered life, while still helping the Union in her own small way. Then her world gets turned upside down and she finds herself questioning her own identity, her place and role in life. She goes through a lot of change in order to come to accept and understand the past, to find room for dreams and hopes for the future.

Ewan is just as complex, his world is actually in turmoil though outwardly he appears calm and in control of his life. It's only towards the end we see more of his inner struggles when he truly opens to Marlie. I admit I was taken aback by the whole torture aspect and his ability to rationalise and justify it. I much more subscribe to her view of violence/torture as hurting you as much as it hurts the other person. I remain ambivalent toward the hero, all the violence he did and the way it comes so easy/naturally to him makes me hesitant to fully stand by him. 

As far as the romance is concerned, I really wanted more of it. They meet under difficult circumstance and most of their time together they are on the run, hiding, which is not perfect situation for a romantic affair to bloom, yet my issues with it were different. Marlie and Ewan feel strong physical attraction to each other and find pleasure and comfort in each other's company but also they are keeping a lot of secrets, never really admitting it all, never truly opening up to each other until the very end. Add to this the fact that they have massively different views (which they both change in the course of the story) and I feel they didn't truly connect for most of the book. Their intimate connection is only forged after they share their worst secrets, and there are some ugly and scary things that the war has brought to the fore.

That said, I loved the details of the world he author (re)created, the complexity and multilayered-ness of the society both in the South and in the North. This story strays far away from the familiar stereotypical stories about the Civil War. It shows a less idealised, more real picture of all ordinary people who lived through it and how it affected from the very their very physical corporeal existence to shaking and fully destroying their souls.

There is a minor detail having to do with fertility problems which really bothered me and I just can't let it go. It's personal thing and most readers wouldn't notice/pay attention to it but for it was big deal and affected my enjoyment of the story.

Overall, I liked the story, the focus on the issues of identity and what makes us who we are, how free/not-free everybody is wase interesting to read. The romance didn't quite work for me and I felt its resolution was rather rushed, it left me wanting more redemption of the hero and more independence for the heroine.

I remain pretty invested in this series as a whole and I'm looking forward towards the next installment, An Unconditional Freedom, coming out in 2018.

Purchase links: Amazon | iBooks | Kobo | B&N

Author Spotlight

Friday Favourites with Tamsen Parker


I'm happy to have the lovely Tamsen Parker over today sharing her Friday Favourites and talking a bit about her latest book, Love on the Tracks,which was released earlier this week. It a mf romance between a female luger and a boy band lead singer. This is the first in a crossover series of 5 winter sports romances to come this winter.

1. Favourite place
I’m a New Englander at heart, I can’t really imagine living anyplace else for any length of time. That being said, I love to travel. New Orleans and Montreal are two of my favorite cities to visit. When I want to pretend reality’s not a thing, a long weekend in Las Vegas is nice—I don’t even gamble, I just like all the food, shows, spas…the whole place is a giant spectacle. Kauai is lovely, and I like going to Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania at any time of year. Probably my favorite small place is a little church courtyard in Stockholm. There’s a tiny little statue called Järnpojke and I loved going to visit him, especially when I was having a bad day. He’s so tiny, and yet he brings people so much joy—reminds me that even when we feel small and helpless sometimes we can actually have a bigger impact than we think.    

2. Favourite food and drink
My favorite drinks are sweet Rieslings, gin cocktails, and pretty much anything with elderflower liquor in it. Food is so much harder! My favorite junk foods are Kit Kats (they disappear RAPIDLY from my desk, Idek where because I swear I didn’t eat that many) and Bugles (which I only get at airports to limit my consumption). I also really enjoy a good steak—which, if one more wait-person tries to give Mr. Parker my steak and pass his fish off on me? I’m going to start flipping tables. And after a childhood of loathing Brussel sprouts, they’re now one of my favorites. Also Kane’s doughnuts, pot roast, empanadas from this little place in Chicago that I get when I go see Amy Jo Cousins. Um, it’s possible I should’ve waited until after lunch to answer this question…

3. Favourite music/genre/artist/song
I tend to listen to my book playlists while I’m writing, so what I’m listening to shifts based on what I’m writing. But right now, I’m listening to a lot of stuff by The Head and The Heart, Lord Huron, Michael Kiwanuka, Alpha Rev, Leon Bridges, and Anderson East.

4. Favourite movie/TV series
Right now I’m watching mostly things I’ve seen before because I’m multitasking, and I watch a lot of kids movies because I have a six year old. Moana, The Avengers movies (especially Captain America), Star Wars, Wonder Woman are all on regular rotation. I love Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, BBC adaptations of Jane Austen novels, and I just watched Alias Grace which was really good but also profoundly disturbing. We’re also devotees of John Oliver, so Last Week Tonight is one of the few current shows I watch.

5. Favourite hobby besides writing, if you consider writing a hobby
I’m a planner addict! Which means I have truly excessive amounts of washi tape and stickers in my office. I also collect Funko Pops, but only badass women figures. I like watching movies, and we have season tickets to the Boston Pride which is a women’s pro hockey team. When my friends and I aren’t just going out for dinner, we like to do artsy things like clay classes, paint nights, hand-lettering workshops, and our next adventure is a crash course in glass-blowing. And of course, I love to read.

6. Favourite books (feel free to list as many as you want; all-time favourites or newly released ones; grouped by sub/genre or other criteria)
Oh, this is a terrible/wonderful question to ask an author!

My auto-buy authors are KJ Charles, Rose Lerner, and Alyssa Cole, so pretty much everything by them makes the list.

The Subs Club series by JA Rock
Old School Discipline and Working Out the Kinks by Misha Horne
Off Campus (and pretty much everything else) by Amy Jo Cousins
Comfort Object by Annabel Joseph
The Comte by Edie Harris
The Fly Me to the Moon series by Emma Barry and Genevieve Turner (with bonus points to Earth Bound, which just killed me)
Reawakening by Charlotte Stein
Wanderlust by Skye Warren
A Lady Awakened by Cecilia Grant
A Gentleman in the Street by Alisha Rai

This is in no way exhaustive! I could keep going all day, but I should probably go take care of edits on the fifth SIG book…

7. Please introduce your latest/upcoming release (what inspired you to write, what can the readers expect from it, etc.)
Love on the Tracks is Book 1 in my new Snow and Ice Games series. I got the idea for the series when I was speaking to my editor at SMP Swerve, and she mentioned that she and her team had been talking about Michael Phelps (it was right after the summer Olympics). He’s been the dominant men’s swimmer in the world for a while now, but he got beat—and beat by Joseph Schooling, who’d met Michael Phelps when he was just a kid. Which, HI, does that not scream m/m romance? I thought it did. So I came up with a five book series and here we are.

Love on the Tracks is inspired by the super cute relationship between Simone Biles and Zac Efron. Theirs was platonic, but Love on the Tracks is basically about what might happen if it didn’t stay that way, and with a luger heroine and a boy band singer hero.

The Snow and Ice Games books are all coming out around the Winter Olympics so you won’t have to wait long for them (Love on the Tracks: 12/5, Seduction on the Slopes: 1/16, On the Edge of Scandal AND Fire on the Ice: 2/6, On the Brink of Passion: 3/6). They are category-length (~55k words) so they’re fast reads with the pulse pounding excitement people love about sports romance but with sports that don’t tend to get a lot of play—luge, slalom skiing, women’s hockey, figure skating, speed skating, and pairs figure skating. Also, you should know that Fire on the Ice is so dirty my editor had to stop reading it on the subway because it made her blush so hard.

I’m so excited to welcome everyone to the SIG snowglobe, thanks so much for reading! xoxo


Welcome to the Snow and Ice Games where the competition is fierce and the romance is HOT.

Rowan Andrews is the unexpected darling of the Denver Snow and Ice Games. Luge has never captured the American public’s imagination as much as figure skating or even hockey, but her outsized personality and dare-devil ways have got everyone’s eyes glued to the track. Including a certain chart-topping heartthrob.

Zane Rivera is the lead singer of License to Game, the hottest band in the country. When Zane finds out Rowan Andrews has had some complimentary things to say about him, he arranges to meet her while he’s in Denver enjoying the games. And when a photo of him kissing Rowan on the cheek goes viral, they both see the advantages of faking a relationship for the publicity.

After Rowan’s injured in her final race, their relationship starts to feel all too real to Zane. But is this rock star ready to fall in love?

Purchase links: Amazon / B&N / Google Play / iBooks / Kobo

Author Bio and Links

Tamsen Parker is a stay-at-home mom by day, USA Today bestselling erotic romance writer by naptime. Her novella CRAVING FLIGHT was named to the Best of 2015 lists of Heroes and Heartbreakers, Smexy Books, Romance Novel News, and Dear Author. Heroes and Heartbreakers called her Compass series “bewitching, humorous, erotically intense and emotional.”

She lives with her family outside of Boston, where she tweets too much, sleeps too little and is always in the middle of a book. Aside from good food, sweet rieslings and gin cocktails, she has a fondness for monograms and subway maps. She should really start drinking coffee.

Social Media Links: Facebook / Reader Group / Twitter 

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