

4 Mar 2014

Teaser Tuesday 49

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Here are the rules:

• Grab your current read 
• Open to a random page 
• Share two (2) or a few more “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page 
• Be careful not the include spoilers!

Today's teaser comes from Love Hacked: A Reluctant Romance by Penny Reid. It's her third book in the Knitting in the City series - smart and funny contemporary romances with unique/awkward/good weird characters written with a lot of ingenuity and humour. You can read my 50-star review of the book here.

I have highlighted so many passages on Kindle that it was extremely difficult to choose just two sentences for this post and finally I decided to go with the most intriguing ones, so here we go:

In that moment I was absolutely certain of one thing. Alex did not disdain social norms. rather, it was simply that, on some fundamental level, he did not know how to behave.


There are three things you need to know about Sandra Fielding: 1) She makes all her first dates cry, 2) She hasn't been kissed in over two years, and 3) She knows how to knit.

Sandra has difficulty removing her psychotherapist hat. Of her last 30 dates, 29 have ended the same way: the man sobbing uncontrollably. After one such disaster, Sandra--near desperation and maybe a little tipsy--gives in to a seemingly harmless encounter with her hot waiter, Alex. Argumentative, secretive, and hostile Alex may be the opposite of everything Sandra knows is right for her. But now, the girl who has spent all her life helping others change for the better, must find a way to cope with falling for someone who refuses to change at all.


  1. This sounds like a fun escape.
    My Teaser is from SPARE CHANGE.

  2. Great teaser! This looks like a fun novel. Alex seems like quite the character. Thank you for stopping by. :)

  3. Oh, socially challenged :P
