
Top Ten Tuesday 10


Top Ten Tuesday is weekly meme hosted The Broke and the Bookish. There is a new topic for each week and the participating bloggers are invited to post their Top Ten lists on it.

This week's topic is about books we'd recommend to a specific person and I chose to make recommendations to a male friend. I read a lot of romance and YA fiction, so I decided to challenge myself in this way to see if any of the books that I read would also be interesting/suitable for my male book lover friends.

Top Ten Books I'd Recommend To a Male Friend

Game of Thrones series by George Martin - This series is not my usual read but I loved it anyway. It was my husband who introduced it to me, so this is without a doubt suitable for male readers :)

The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins - Another favourite series of mine. Despite its romantic undertones, I believe this is a story that would appeal equally to both male and female readers.

The Divergent series by Veronica Roth - I haven't read the final book yet, but I enjoyed the first two.
If I Stay and Where She Went by Gayle Forman - I loved this series, the second book in particular is an all-time favourite of mine. I am not sure how I male reader will take these books, they are worth at try.

The Fever series by Karen Marie Moning - This is my favourite urban fantasy series. It is told from a female POV and has strong romantic elements, yet the world building is great and the conflicts are universal, so I hope it is suitable for both sexes.

The Maze Runner series by James Dashner - Nice, action-packed series about teenage boys and girls

Legend series by Marie Lu - same as The Maze Runner. I still have the read the final book, but I loved the first two, so I can definitely recommend them to both men and women.

Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta - A fantasy series by one of my favourite authors which creates a complex mixture of fantasy, action and romance

The Piper’s Son by Melina Marchetta - A powerful contemporary NA story - very emotional without being cheesy. 

On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta  - My favourite of Ms Marchetta's contemporary books. I am not sure how a male reader will see the story but for me it was an amazing journey of growing up and discovering oneself.

What are your recommendations? Leave me a comment with a link to your TTT post and I will stop by to check them out :)

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  1. I got maze runner a long time ago and I still haven't tried it. Same will Legend. Someday I'll get to them! lol. :) Great list.

    1. I really enjoyed the Maze Runner series and Legend is definitely one of my favourite! If you like dystopias, I strongly recommend these two :)

  2. Amazing list! I loved Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games, Divergent, If I Stay and The Legend series, all amazing!A lot of these are ones I am still dying to read, especially the Maze Runner series. My TTT.

  3. Great picks. I have to start on Maze Runner asap, I hear only good things. :) I must forward this list on to a mate :)
    Happy reading!

  4. I love your list. I've watched Game of Thrones but never read the books. Maybe I should change that!

    Our TTT

    Doris @ OABR

    1. The show is good but the books, as usual, are much better! You should try them, if you have the time. They are quite long but an engaging read :)


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