New Adult

Review: Never Too Far By Abbi Glines


Title: Never Too Far (Too Far 2)
Author: Abbi Glines
Date of publication: 26 February 2013
Genre: Romance, New Adult
Available on: Amazon, B&N,
More reviews: Goodreads

My rating: 3 stars

Never Too Far is the sequel to Fallen Too Far where Abbi Glines completes the story of Rush and Blaire. I really liked the first book and was looking forward to enjoying the second one, as well. Unfortunately, I was a bit disappointed with it. 

Never Too Far picks up the story where the first book finished - the painful break-up of Blaire and Rush and her return to her hometown. Blaire struggles to find her place and start her life anew but eventually she is forced by the circumstances (and some very misguided interference on the part of  Cain) to return to ... From then on we have the story of Rush trying to make it up to her and all this leading a very happy end. 

I enjoyed the first half of the book. Both Rush's and Blaire's inner sufferings and turmoil were convincingly represented and sounded real and true. But somewhere around the middle of the book (it is a short and quick read, actually) things started to fall apart for me. Blaire was presented as far too naive and innocent at one moment, and as completely sex-crazed, at the next. I really liked Rush in the first book and for most part in the first half of this one, but gradually his cocky, rock-star, jaded persona was replaced by an indecisive, childish and possessive guy. The secondary characters also fell into stereotypes (Woods, Nan) or were miraculously redeemed (Blaire's dad).

Towards the end the plot did a 180 degree turn which which felt out of place and logic. I was most disappointed with the ending, though. It was a happy end for Blaire and Rush, even for their families to some extent, yet it seemed rushed and incomplete. An additional chapter or an epilogue would greatly benefit the story.

All this said, there are also a number of things I liked about this book. Abbi Glines keeps her signature simple and sweet style. I appreciate the dual POV, both Blaire and Rush voice their thoughts clearly in this book. I particularly enjoyed the insights into Rush's mind, since they were not present so much in the first book.

Last minute news:

For all the fans there, the latest news from Ms Glines is that there WILL be a third book of Blaire and Rush (possibly in the summer of 2013), so we can look forward to a more detailed Happily Ever After for the Finlay family. 


The Edge of Always by J. A. Redmerski


Recently J. A. Redmerski announced that there will be a sequel to her very successful novel The Edge of Never. What we have learned so far from the author's site is that The Edge of Always will tell the story of Camryn and Andrew mostly from Andrews POV. 

I absolutely loved the first book. For me it is complete as a stand-alone and I am not sure how well a sequel will work. The Edge of Never has dual POVs and an epilogue that completes the journey of the characters. Finishing the book I didn't feel the need for continuation or further elaboration of any part of it. 

This said, I liked Andrew a lot and I would enjoy reading more from him - his own journey and thoughts on life and love. 

I can only hope that the second book will live up to the high quality of the first. We will have to wait and see what J. A. Redmerski will offer us. In the meantime, stay tuned for news on the cover (it will be matching the cover of The Edge of Never which is pretty amazing) and the release date of The Edge of Always.

New Adult

Review: Fallen Too Far by Abbi Glines


Title: Fallen Too Far (Too Far 1)
Author: Abbi Glines - official site
Publication date: 14 Dec 2012
Genre: Romance, New Adult

My rating: 4 Stars

Only 5 day before the release on 26 February of the second book in the series, Never Too Far, here is my review of Fallen Too Far

This is the story of 19 year-old Blaire Wynn who has spent the last three years taking care of her dying mother and her fateful encounter of Rush Finlay, the son of her father's new wife. After the death of her mother Blaire is left with no choice but to move in with her father's new family, or so she thinks. As it turns out things are much more complicated than she can imagine. A passionate affair between Blaire and Rush leads to painful secrets being revealed, hearts and promises being broken. 

The story of Blaire and Rush will be complete in the second book. 

As a whole it is an emotional read with a bit of a cliffhanger ending. The main characters, Blaire and Rush, are well built and easy to like. The supporting characters are also well developed and add a nice background to the story. 

The romance is really strong, the chemistry between Blaire and Rush is amazing, even though the feelings between them develop a bit too fast to be realistic. Abbi Glines makes the physical aspect of their relationship almost palpable - their kisses and the bedroom scenes are presented with great intensity.

The story has a few twists and turns, long-hidden secrets are revealed causing real drama and heartbreak. Even though the relationship between Blaire and Rush is the main focus of the book, Abbi Glines explores also the complexity of family relations and friendship, loyalty, trust, betrayal and ultimately, forgiveness and hope. 

My biggest concern is the ending. It comes abruptly, as if the author is in a hurry just to finish things. I feel that if the story was developed in greater details it would have been so much richer and its impact on the readers more powerful.

Still, the unresolved relationship between Blaire and Rush leaves a lot to look forward to in the next book. I am keeping my fingers crossed for their Happily Ever After. They both deserve it for sure :)


Breathing series by Rebecca Donovan


I have some exciting news to share with you about one of my favourite books of last year - the Breathing series by Rebecca Donovan. The much anticipated final book - Out of Breath - will be released on 2 July 2013. It is a long wait but the good news is can pre-order it now on Amazon.

Meanwhile you can enjoy the wealth of info on the series on the author's website.  There are little teasers for the last book, as well as a lot trivia and author's comments on the first two books - Reason the Breathe and Barely Breathing. There are even suggested soundtracks to the novels. 

If you have missed this series, make sure to read it. It is an emotional story that covers issues such as domestic violence and pure, insane hatred, best-friend's loyalty and healing boyfriend's love. It is ultimately a story of survival against the odds and finding one's true self in the process. 

New Adult

Review: If You Stay by Courtney Cole


Overall rating: 3 Stars

If You Stay tells the a story of redemption and salvation (quite literal in the very first chapter). Pax is tattooed and jaded bad-boy "asshole" in his own words and Mila is a nice-girl photographer/paiter. They meet under pretty unusual circumstances, you can say :) and the relationship they developed finally saves them both from their nightmares. "Love never fails" is a recurrent motif in the story and it basically sums it up rather well. 

As a whole, I had higher expectations about this book from reading the blurb. It has a powerful opening, raw and uncensored. Unfortunately, gradually the novel falls into stereotypes - about love and saving yourself down to ridiculous dream interpretations. The author's writing is simple and a bit repetitive, but my main dislike is the oversimplification of the story. 

The author touches upon some serious issues such substance abuse, domestic violence and murder, yet they are presented rather superficially. The issues they cause for Pax and Mila are somehow too easily resolved in a rush to reach a Happily Ever After in the end. 

I don't mean to be too critical of this book. It has its nice and heart-warming moments but it definitely is nothing memorable for me.  

Check If You Stay on Goodreads for more information and different opinions. 


Music of the Heart by Katie Ashley


I came across Katie Ashley through another literary blog - Three chicks and their books. I still have not found the time to read her books - The Proposition and its continuation, the The Proposa,l but they are definitely already on my to-read list. 

It is her next novel that I am absolutely looking forward to - Music of the Heart. Being a romance involving a hot rock star it sounds like a must read for me. It will be out in March but until then you can enjoy little teasers and its first two chapters online on the author's site


The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden by Jessica Sorensen


Another piece of exciting news. The second book of Callie and Kayden will be published some time this year. Unfortunately, we don't have a date set for this, nor a cover available, but Jessica Sorensen is providing an excerpt of the book on her website. It's a huge relief after that unbelievable cliffhanger at the end of book 1. 

There will also be a second book of Ella and Micha available this year. While waiting for it, you can check the three teasers (far too short for my liking) on Jessica's site. 

My rewiews of both books will be available soon. In the meantime, you can check Goodreads for more opinions on these titles.


Twisted Perfection by Abbi Glines


I have some great news to share about one of my favourite authors, Abbi Glines. Her latest book, Twisted Perfection (Book 3 in the Too Far series) will be realesed on 23 April 2013. You can check the cover and blurb on the official site of the author. It will tell the story of Wood, the golf club owner's son and Rush's rival for Blaire's heart from the first book. 

Meanwhile, the second book in the series, Never Too Far, which will complete the story of Rush and Blaire, is almost here - it will be availabe on Febrauary 26. 

There will a fourth book in the series telling Grant's (Rush's half-brother story) which will come one this year as well. Yayyy!

I will be posting my review of Fallen Too Far any day now, so stay tuned.

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