

25 Sept 2017

New and Debut: RL Mosswood

My guest this Monday for the New and Debut spotlight is RL Mosswood, debut author of queer romance whose novella Golden comes out today. I absolutely love the cover and the premise sounds rather intriguing. Read on to learn more about the author and their book.

Meet RL Mosswood

1.      Tell us about yourself and why did you decide to become a romance writer?

I'm a hermit and recluse, mostly. I live way out in the woods and work from home. I've created this cozy, insular little existence for myself, and most of my social interaction takes place online. I've always liked writing, but its taken the form of journals and sketches and poetry instead of narrative fiction. About a year ago though I got drawn into the online m/m community. As I became acquainted with more authors online, I felt like this was a club I wanted to join and started to think seriously about what I might write.

2.      Can you share some of your favourite books and authors?

Within the genre, KJ Charles' Think of England, which I actually put off reading for a long time, is my hands down favorite. Joanna Chambers' Provoked trilogy and Elin Gregory's On a Lee Shore are up there too. It gets a lot trickier if we're talking about all books. I admire Virginia Woolf. Terry Pratchett makes me laugh. Dave Duncan's A Man of His Word series was the first fantasy I ever read, and has stuck with me in a way I couldn't have predicted.

3.      Who/what do you consider your writing influence/inspiration?

I don't know! I read a lot of “classics” in my teens and twenties, and I think that flavors my writing. I tend towards long sentences and lush descriptions and sometimes need to be reined in a bit. I'm inspired by many of the authors I've gotten to know online. Their ability to handle everything from plotting to promo and to do it all well is astonishing.

4.      What kind of stories can the readers expect from you (contemporary/historical/sci-fi, adult/NA/YA, etc)?

I think I'm a dabbler. Golden, my debut, is a fantasy adventure, but the project I'm working on right now is contemporary, and I've got a smattering of historical and paranormal ideas up my sleeve too. I'm sensitive. I have a very weak stomach for darkness and gore; so readers can expect my work to lean towards the fluffy side. My characters will have their trials, but it will never get too bad for too long.

5.      Please, introduce your latest/upcoming release.

Golden is a romp: a love at first sight story for a dragon queen's least-favored harem boy and the disreputable merchant adventurer who's thrown in his path. I've heard from some readers that they worried (or maybe hoped?) that the harem setting would mean that it was full-on erotica, but it's definitely more of a romance with a dash of adventure, though there's some nice heat as well. It's written as a standalone, but I'll admit I've been brainstorming possible future escapades for Elin and Hathar so this may not be the last we hear of them.


Harem boy might not be the most appropriate role for someone who’s never really seen the appeal of sex, but Elin’s status as dahabi: golden in a land of tan and brown, has marked him for The Dragon’s service since birth. He’s content enough with his life of uncomplicated, if restrictive, luxury, until an unremarkable chore becomes a case of love at first sight.

Mysterious newcomer Hathar, a roguish “merchant adventurer” from far-off lands, ignites an exploration of Elin’s first taste of physical desire, as well as a desire to experience life beyond the palace. Now, they must find a way to escape before Hathar’s ship departs, stranding them forever in The Dragon’s harem.

Purchase links: Publisher / Amazon / Goodreads

Author Bio and Links

RL Mosswood lurks in the depths of the Pacific Northwest rainforest, where they dabble in queer fiction in an attempt to add a little magic to their otherwise mundane existence.

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