

12 Aug 2014

Waiting on Wednesday #13: The Furies by Natalie Haynes

Waiting on Wednesday is a book meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and it features books that we are eagerly awaiting to be released.

Title: The Furies
Author: Natalie Haynes
Genre: Contemporary fiction
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Release Date: 26 Aug 2014


When you open up, who will you let in?

When Alex Morris loses her fiancé in dreadful circumstances, she moves from London to Edinburgh to make a break with the past. Alex takes a job at a Pupil Referral Unit, which accepts the students excluded from other schools in the city. These are troubled, difficult kids and Alex is terrified of what she's taken on.

There is one class - a group of five teenagers - who intimidate Alex and every other teacher on The Unit. But with the help of the Greek tragedies she teaches, Alex gradually develops a rapport with them. Finding them enthralled by tales of cruel fate and bloody revenge, she even begins to worry that they are taking her lessons to heart, and that a whole new tragedy is being performed, right in front of her...

Why am I waiting for this? - It's a new to me author and I'm intrigued by the blurb - a realistic contemporary story with some mystery and characters dealing with difficult psychological issues. It's right up my alley.


  1. Great pick! That blurb is really intriguing and it calls to mind those movies featuring the reluctant or uber-good professor with the problem/misunderstood students. I'm not sure if I'll be picking this one up but I hope you'll enjoy it.

    My WoW

  2. The premise is really intriguing and not something I have seen before! I'll keep an eye on this one.
    My WoW
