

17 Dec 2013

Teaser Tuesday 38

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Here are the rules:

• Grab your current read 
• Open to a random page 
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page 
• Be careful not the include spoilers! 
• Share the title & author so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers. 

I have modified them slightly for my Teasers. It will not be two sentences from a random page but two, usually more, sentences from the pages I have read so far that have struck me as most interesting, original or that I just happen to like a lot.

This week I am switching form my usual romantic read to fantasy. I just stared The Emperor's Blades by Brian Staveley after I read a raving review from a friend on GR. I am still at the beginning but it is really intriguing. I have picked as my teaser a couple of sentences from 1% of my ARC on Kindle. 

"Why? Why do you hate us?"
"Hate?" he replied. "That is your word, child, not ours."
"It's not just a word. It describes a real thing. A truth about the world."

Goodreads Blurb

When the emperor of Annur is murdered, his children must fight to uncover the conspiracy—and the ancient enemy—that effected his death.

Kaden, the heir apparent, was for eight years sequestered in a remote mountain monastery, where he learned the inscrutable discipline of monks devoted to the Blank God. Their rituals hold the key to an ancient power which Kaden must master before it’s too late. When an imperial delegation arrives to usher him back to the capital for his coronation, he has learned just enough to realize that they are not what they seem—and enough, perhaps, to successfully fight back.

Meanwhile, in the capital, his sister Adare, master politician and Minister of Finance, struggles against the religious conspiracy that seems to be responsible for the emperor’s murder. Amid murky politics, she’s determined to have justice—but she may be condemning the wrong man.

Their brother Valyn is struggling to stay alive. He knew his training to join the Kettral— deadly warriors who fly massive birds into battle—would be arduous. But after a number of strange apparent accidents, and the last desperate warning of a dying guard, he’s convinced his father’s murderers are trying to kill him, and then his brother. He must escape north to warn Kaden—if he can first survive the brutal final test of the Kettral.


  1. Fascinating... Hope you enjoy the read, Ellie! :)

  2. Happy Tuesday! Interesting teaser. I do enjoy the odd fantasy novel when I want to read something other than romance too and this one looks good. I'd love to read your review when you're done.
    Here's my teaser.

  3. Sounds interesting, but I think I would enjoy romance better. I hope you enjoy your book this week.

  4. oh my goodness.. I love the sound of this book and I love the cover! Great teaser, definitely adding this to my list :)

    here is my Tuesday Teaser if you want to check it out

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

    1. I am at about 25% and it's great so far. Reminds me a bit of George Martin's A Game of Thrones.

  5. Sounds exciting!

  6. That's very...deep. Awesome teaser. I really like the cover. This book definitely sounds very epic! Thanks for sharing.

    Here's my teaser at Bookmunchies (:

  7. Love your Teaser. This sounds like a good plot ... with a diverse cast of characters. Like you, I choose a Teaser that appeals to me rather than random sentences. Here's mine for today: CHRISTMAS CALLING.

  8. Sounds like a great family tale. I love books about people who control birds. I have always been fascinated about falconry. Here is my Tuesday Teaser.

  9. Nice cover and teaser.
