
Review: Act Like It by Lucy Parker


Title: Act Like It
Author: Lucy Parker
Date of publication: 30 Nov 2015
Genre / Themes: Romance / Theatre actors / British

Author's links: Website / Twitter / Goodreads
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My rating: 4 Stars


This just in: romance takes center stage as West End theatre's Richard Troy steps out with none other than castmate Elaine Graham

Richard Troy used to be the hottest actor in London, but the only thing firing up lately is his temper. We all love to love a bad boy, but Richard's antics have made him Enemy Number One, breaking the hearts of fans across the city.

Have the tides turned? Has English rose Lainie Graham made him into a new man?

Sources say the mismatched pair has been spotted at multiple events, arm in arm and hip to hip. From fits of jealousy to longing looks and heated whispers, onlookers are stunned by this blooming romance.

Could the rumors be right? Could this unlikely romance be the real thing? Or are these gifted stage actors playing us all?


It's Ms Parker debut novel and what a delightful surprise it has been! Funny and sweet, well written with a strong British and theatre flavour, this book is perfect happy, pick-me up read for when the times get rough.

I've seen this book talked a lot in the romance community and I'm always on the look out for witty romantic comedies, so I decided to give it a try and I'm so happy I did.

The story is told from dual POV and flows with great ease. It is so distinctly British in everything that I had trouble with some references but nevertheless enjoyed it very much.

In essence, it's a simple fake couple to real couple story but wittily and engaginly told which makes it a great entertainment. This may not be my favourite romanc trope but it was refreshingly done here and I quite enjoyed it. It was coupled with an element of enemies-to-lovers which just made it even more delicious.

Elaine was the type of heroine I absolutely love - strong and smart and independant and witty and at the same time hiding a soft heart and some vulnerability when it comes to men and personal relationships.

Richard started as the guy everybody loves to hate - priviliged, successful but also arrogant and snobbish. The more time Elaine and the reader spent with him, the more open and real human with flaws and weaknesses, he becomes.

The romance is mixed subtly with sarcasm and critism/mockery of some of the values of modern pop culture - media scandals, starlets, celebrities, even the snobbism of the "true" acting on stage as compared with the plebeian entertainment of TV series.

All in all, this is a light, funny and very entertaining and relaxing romance. I highly recommend it and can't wait to see what Ms Parker will come up with next. 

Purchase links: Amazon / B&N

M/M romance

Review: Out of Frame by Megan Erickson


Title: Out of Frame (In Focus #3)
Author: Megan Erickson
Date of publication: 1 March 2016
Genre / Themes: Romance / New Adult / MM

Author's links: Website / Twitter / Facebook / Goodreads
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My rating: 3 Stars


Perpetually shy, Quinn Mathers is content to remain in the shadow of his brash best friend Jess Hartman. But before their college graduation, he and Jess have planned one last hurrah: a spring break Caribbean cruise.

And it won’t be just any cruise. On board are members of the reality show Trip League, which follows young twenty-somethings on adventures around the world. Since the show’s beginning, Quinn has been fascinated by J. R. Butler, with his amazing body, warm eyes, and killer grin. Unfortunately, he’s straight—or so the world thinks.

At nineteen, J. R. signed a contract to play straight for the show, and there’s no way to get out of it now. Yet with each passing day, Quinn and J. R. find it harder to keep their hands off each other and to keep out of the camera’s frame. But when the lens finally focuses on them, J. R. must decide if he’s willing to risk his career by admitting his bisexuality, and Quinn must determine if he's bold enough to stand in the spotlight with the man of his dreams...


This is the third book in the In Focus series and I have to say that it's been a hit or miss for me so far. I thought the first book was Ok, loved the second and have mixed feelings about this one again.

Starting with the good. I generally like how Ms Erickson creates her young characters - confused, sometimes lacking confidence and experience, just normal young people figuring their lives out. They make mistakes, they do impulsive and often stupid things but ultimately it's a learning curve and they get the HEA/HFN that is just the right one for them. 

Reading the blurb for this for I was excited to meet Quinn and R. J. but even though I enjoyed some elements in their story in the end it failed to grab me and win me over.

Though I generally liked both main characters I also had a lot of issues with them and their story. The setting didn't quite work for me. A reality show coupled with a spring break on cruise read too much like stereotypical NA which I don't particularly like. It make things distant for me and I couldn't really connect with the characters in the way  I wanted to.

While I like and appreciate the intricacies of both characters (J. R. being bi, yet inexperienced with guys), Quinn in all his adorable gingerness, I still felt their romance rushed and unrealistic. I very much liked how Ms Erickson's presented the issue of bi-erasure and the process of exploring being bi which I have to admit unfortunately is not very common in contemporary mm romance, still there was something lacking for me. The characters felt superficial to me and I wished their issues were explored in more depth. 

I think this story was the case of good intentions (and positive messages) which somehow failed to deliver to their fullest potential. At least, that's is how I read it. If you have read and enjoyed the previous books in the series, you might want to give this one a try and it could turn out to work much better for you. 

Purchase links: Amazon US / Amazon UK / B&N / iTunes


Review: Chase Me by Laura Florand


Title: Chase Me (Paris Hearts #2)
Author: Laura Florand
Genre/Themes: Contemporary romance, chefs, Paris
Release Date: 5 April 2016

Author's links:
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My rating: 4 Stars


A Michelin two-star chef at twenty-eight, Violette Lenoir could handle anything, including a cocky burglar who broke into her restaurant in the middle of the night.

Or so she thought.

Elite counterterrorist operative Chase “Smith” had been through things that made Hell Week look easy. But nothing had prepared him for a leather-clad blonde who held him at bay at knifepoint and dared him to take her on.

Now if only saving the world didn’t require he ruin her life.

Two people who thought they could handle anything now have to take on each other. 

It's a battle neither one expected. But with their futures on the line, they have nothing to lose...but their hearts.


This is the second book in the Paris Hearts series which feature women chefs. Similar to the first book here our heroine also falls for a military-type guy but unlike previous books by Ms Florand, here things between them were both more suspenseful and more hilarious. 

I really like Ms Florand's writing, it's always sensual, very emotional, focused a lot on the inner world of the characters and their difficulties in communicating/expressing their innermost desires and fears. This story was no exception and while Violette was more or less a typical Florand heroine (she reminded me of her heroes, actually - feisty and determined, focused on her profession, yet fragile and uncertain her personal life), Chase was totally different from her chef heroes. There is light-heartedness (at least on the outside) to him, a sense of easy-going and good humour which was a nice change from her more angsty, introverted heroes before. He has issues of his own, finding a place for personal life, settling down after years in the military and still doing undercover work was not easy for him but it was something he desperately wanted. 

Vi was fabulous, I had so much fun reading her. We rarely see a strong independent heroine who still remains such after she falls in love. The chemistry between Vi and Chase was strong but neither of them was good at being with someone, at sharing happiness and sorrow. Being part of a couple was not their usual place but they had strong feelings for each other and tried their best to make things work. And the did, in the end, after more than the usual turmoil.

There is a strong suspense element in their story, partly because of Chase's profession, partly as a reflection of the current events in the real world - the overwhelming sense of uncertainly and lack of safety. 

I felt the pace a bit uneven - at times the characters spent too much time talking/discussing things rather than acting them out and then there was a fast action-packed sequence but overall this is just a minor quibble.

I loved the easy banter between Vi and Chase, the sense of fun and good times despite the dangers in the outside world. I felt very strongly present in this story the message the French people send to the world after the terrorist attacks in Paris - we are not giving up on life, love, good times because of you. We are not afraid. And I very much liked how this was incorporated in the story.

In short, Chase Me is different than your usual Laura Florand romance but it is also the same - intense, beautifully written with well-developed unique characters and passionate romance. And of course, there is all the love for cooking and eating and entertaining. A recommended read!

Purchase links: Amazon / B&N / Kobo / iBooks / 


Review: A Gentleman's Position by K. J. Charles


Titlle: A Gentleman's Position (Society of Gentlemen #3)
Author: K. J. Charles
Genre/Themes: Historical, MM romance
Release Date: 5 April 2016

Author's links: Website / Twitter / Facebook Group / Goodreads
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My rating: 5 Stars


Among his eccentric though strictly principled group of friends, Lord Richard Vane is the confidant on whom everyone depends for advice, moral rectitude, and discreet assistance. Yet when Richard has a problem, he turns to his valet, a fixer of unparalleled genius—and the object of Richard’s deepest desires. If there is one rule a gentleman must follow, it is never to dally with servants. But when David is close enough to touch, the rules of class collide with the basest sort of animal instinct: overpowering lust.

For David Cyprian, burglary and blackmail are as much in a day’s work as bootblacking—anything for the man he’s devoted to. But the one thing he wants for himself is the one thing Richard refuses to give: his heart. With the tension between them growing to be unbearable, David’s seemingly incorruptible master has left him no choice. Putting his finely honed skills of seduction and manipulation to good use, he will convince Richard to forget all about his well-meaning objections and give in to sweet, sinful temptation.


A Gentleman's Position is the final book in an amazing queer historical series, Society of Gentlemen. It brings a hard won and well deserved happiness to Lord Richard (the protector and father figure of the Richardians) with his trusted valet, David Cyprian. It's a passionate tale of love, lust, class and obligation but above all for me it is a story of determining one's identity, of growing and changing, becoming a better person for yourself and for the people you love and care about.

This series made convinced that Ms Charles is a true master of the historical romance. Her stories are vivid and detailed, carrying a strong sense of the Regency athmopshere in all its complexity - political and social unrest which further add to the difficulties the characters have to surmount on their way to happiness.

Lord Richard had a lot of learning to do and some atonement for his past mistakes and boy, did he keep on making mistakes even when he had the best intentions. I found his journey fascinating and oh, so real. Taking a hard look of who you are and finding out that you are not in fact the person you thought you were and you don't to want to be that person any more takes a lot of courage and is not easy to deal with. His mistakes, though painful to his friends and loved ones, were avoidable, they were part of his growth and untimatelt he managed to rise above them and be the man he wanted to be. 

David Cyprian, on the other had, was just as amazing as we came to expect him to be from his appearance in the previous books. He seemed so in control, so sure of himself and tiny glimpses of slef-doubt and insecurity made him feel human and easier to relate to. He was not perfect, noone really is, but we saw how much effort and thought he put into being the best he could be. 

The romance appeared totally impossible, both were stuck in their respective positions and there was no way to make things between them work on a personal level, yet their love for each other proved stronger than prejudice and fear and stifling norms and the petty morality of the times.

I really, really like the depth and sympathy with which Ms Charles explores issues of identity and the clash of the political with the personal. We saw it in the previous books, most noticeably in A Seditious Affair, and it was also present here. The problems Richard and David and rest of the their group face were real, life-threatening and Ms Charles never cheapened them or made their solution trivial or too easy. It didn't work like that at the time, and the the historical accuracy of her stories made them stand out.

A strong place in this story was taken by the issues of consent and abuse of power, what marriage/relationship in Regency England could/should be.

I also very much loved and appreciated the supporting characters in this story - Richard's brother and his wife, David's mother and her husband. Ms Charles creates a truly diverse world representative of the times and this makes the characters and their roamnce feel even more real.

Speaking of the series as a whole, I think Ms Charles has done a remarkable job with them. The stories are interwoven, complex and engaging. Her writing is superb and her attention to detail makes all the difference when reading a historical romance. The characters in the series are deliciously imperfect, real people of different walks of life, facing harsh choices and decisions and really struggling to find happiness and love at a time when this could easily mean the death sentence for two men in love with each other.

I haven't read much historical romances and even less queer ones, but this is definitely the best I have read and can't recommend it enough.

Purchase links: Amazon.comAmazon.co.uk / Publisher / ARe

My reviews of the previous books in the series:
A Fashionable Indulgence - 5 Stars
A Seditious Affair - 5 Stars

Amy Jo Cousins

Interview with Amy Jo Cousins on her Bend or Break series and a few other things


Amy Jo Cousins is my second guest in the author interview feature which I recently started (Alexis Hall was the first one a few weeks ago). Read on if you want to see what she has to share about her writing and to learn more about her fabulous NA LGBT series Bend or Break.

Interview with Amy Jo Cousins on the Bend or Break series and a few more things 

ER: Hi, Amy Jo and welcome! I’m so happy to have you here today.
I want to start this interview with some general questions on your writing. You have been a romance writer for some time now, can you tell us how that happened, when did you realize this was what you wanted to do in life and how did you go about actually doing it?

AJC: I always wanted to be a writer, but until my late twenties, that was mostly a fantasy, a theoretical dream. I would start a lot of projects, but I never finished any of them. I think I didn’t believe it could really happen (which was a lot more realistic twenty years ago, before epublishing), so I only dabbled at it. But when I was approaching my 30th birthday, I decided I needed to (pardon the crassness) shit or get off the pot. It’s amazing how motivating the feeling that you are getting old and accomplishing nothing can be. At the time, I actually wanted to write a literary historical novel about a composer in fin de siècle Vienna. I figured I’d work on that, but I wanted to practice writing query letters and I knew romance publishing had the fastest turnaround as far as response times. So I made up a romance novel synopsis and wrote a query letter that I mailed to Harlequin. Snail mail! Man, this was a long time ago. I figured it would get rejected (everything did, especially back then) but maybe I would be lucky enough to get a personal response and I’d learn how to write a better query, so I’d be prepared when the time came to pitch my composer books. This is what I told myself. In hindsight, I think I really wanted to write romance novels, but was afraid they weren’t serious enough for an English major. (I was young and foolish. Forgive me.) In any case, Harlequin requested the ms. and then bought the book, which I had to sit down and write in a hurry! And the rest, barring a ten year gap in my writing career due to single parenting taking over my life, is history.

ER: Continuing in these lines – what is the best and the worst thing about being a writer?

AJC: One of the best things is that I have an excuse to research anything I want, which is nirvana for the geek like me. Plus, I never have bad dates, because I am professionally interested in pretty much anyone. ;) The worse is that I spend all day sitting, way more than I ever did in my office jobs, even. I used to use any excuse to get up and walk around the office, going to talk to people instead of emailing or calling them. Now I sit, all day, and although I try to remember to get up and move around, I’m frequently unsuccessful at that. Being a writer is a terrible health risk. But I’m getting back into running again, which I cut waaaaay back on when I hurt my back (thank you, writing!), so I’m excited about that.

ER: Can you share some more details about your writing process – do you have a daily goals of words to write, do you use NaNoWriMo (like many other authors), or do you have a different strategy?

AJC: My writing process is in constant flux. Very rarely does one thing work for long, I think because I get bored with routine. So I’m constantly changing it up. I did #1k1hr sprints for a long time, then did pomodoros for a while, which are shorter sprints with breaks in between. Lately, I’ve been assigning myself the task of writing 500 words per hour, and as soon as I finish the 500 words, I’m allowed to do whatever I want for the rest of the hour. This kind of bribery has been very effective. Also, graphs. The visual representation of progress is an effective motivator for me, which is probably one of the things I love about NaNoWriMo. Most years I will start NaNo, but I don’t put a lot of pressure on myself. Sometimes I finish, sometimes other things get in the way and I don’t. I almost never have only one project going at a time, so that’s not the best event for me these days, but I enjoy the community and the temporary sense of urgency and it has led to some interesting projects.

ER: What is the easiest and the most difficult thing for you when it comes to writing?

AJC: Easiest for me is dialogue. I frequently “hear” scenes first as a conversation in my head, and then I figure out where that conversation is happening and what everyone is doing while they’re talking. Conflict, on the other hand, is my nemesis. I have a habit of writing my characters as being so reasonable that it’s hard for them to be in conflict with each other. I think maybe I want to get to the HEA so much, I forget sometimes that they need to have some real problems first!

ER: Are you a plotter or a pantser?

AJC: I am a plantser. Or is it a potter? A mix of both. Some books I work out in pretty significant detail before writing, and they are inevitably the smoother for it. Other times, I think I know exactly what’s going to happen in the book and just start writing. I always regret this.

ER: And final question on your writing process before we move on to talk in more details about your books. What is your favourite subgenre to write in?

AJC: Well, contemporary sure does make my research easier. I mean, there’s always research, but I’m working on plotting a historical series in 1930s London and I’m already flinching at the amount of research I’ll need to do.

You know what I’d love to write though? Epic fantasy. I doubt I ever will, because I’m not that into the kind of worldbuilding you need to do if you want to do it right, but some of my favorite authors write epic fantasy and I wish I could too.

When I wrote Off Campus, I had no idea this would become a series at all. As soon as it was done, though, I knew I wanted it to be. Usually I can’t tell if a story I’ve written is good or not, but with Off Campus I knew I’d written something special. It’s one of my only books that I actually reread for pleasure. So I started thinking about what came next for everyone. I actually had a story planned for Steph about her and Amira, her college girlfriend, until I realized it would be too depressing to break them up (because I always knew she and Cash would end up together in the long run). My original series proposal included Nothing Like Paris, The Girl Next Door, and Real World. But Level Hands and the new books were surprises, lovely ones! 

ER: The next release in the series are the two novellas, Love Me Like a Rock and Hard Candy. Meeting Austin and Vinnie in Level Hands, I was convinced that they will end up together despite their differences, so why did you chose different partners for them?

AJC: While I was writing Real World, I realized that Vinnie was going to assume Austin would wait around for him forever and that if Austin ever met a guy who paid some serious attention to him (and one who was down for a whole lotta banging), Vinnie might miss his chance. As soon as I thought about that, and about who the right guy for Austin would be, Sean popped into my head and it was all over. Vinnie was one bummed out dude and I was happy, because not every teenage friends with benefits situation works out in the long run, you know? I mean, most of them don’t. So it felt right for Vinnie to screw up, Austin to move on, and for both of them to meet awesome guys who were perfect for them.

ER: This is a bit of unfair question but who is your favourite character in the series? I love them all but against all expectations I can relate the most to Rafi.
AJC: Well, Cash is my favorite to write, because he’s pure goodheartedness, and that make me happy. But Tom is my favorite overall. I’ve got a lot invested in a person like that getting their HEA. J

ER: Which book was the easiest to write and which the most difficult?

AJC: Real World was the easiest by far. Tom and Reese were so familiar to me, I knew so much about them, that it was simple to slip back into their heads again. And I knew I wanted to wrap their story up (for now, she says mysteriously) with a big, swoony holiday proposal, so the story as a whole came together pretty quickly for me.

Level Hands, now… Oh, that book nearly killed me. I have never cut so much from a ms., and that’s always painful! The conflict in Level Hands is almost exclusively internal as opposed to external. It’s all about Rafi struggling to find his place and figure out a way to navigate in an entirely new environment. Making that book come together was a struggle and I’m so grateful for my editor Christa’s help with that one.

ER: And now question I know all the fans of the series what to ask – will there be any more Bend or Break books coming soon?

AJC: Not soon, but there will be more! Right now, I’m basically waiting on resolution with Samhain. There seems to be some question as to whether or not they are closing after all. If at some point I do get the rights back to the series, I will definitely be writing more Bend or Break books. Varun, Cash’s friend from The Girl Next Door, has a book, as does Andie from Nothing Like Paris. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that I get to write them!

ER: Speaking of upcoming releases, what will happen with this series now that Samhain is closing down?

AJC: If they do close, we’ve been told that we will all receive our rights back in a gradual unwinding process. When that happens, I will get the entire series back into circulation as soon as possible. I anticipate a very rapid turnaround!

ER: You also write het romances, what are your plans in this direction?

AJC: Right now, I am mostly looking at including some het romance within the predominantly LGBTQ series I’m planning. I like writing about groups of friends or co-workers or neighbors, and those groups will continue to have people who form m/f relationships too. I don’t have any plans to write a strictly, or even mostly, het series in the near future, but you never know. I have more story ideas than I can handle, and I’ll write the relationships that allow me to tell those stories best.

ER: And my final question is what advice would you give to aspiring authors?

AJC: Write, write, and write some more. With every new story or novel I write, I learn new things about writing. I also learn how to push myself further, to try

ER: Thank you very much, Amy Jo for doing this interview!

AJC: Thank you so much for having me!

Author Bio and Links

Amy Jo Cousins writes contemporary romance and erotica about smart people finding their own best kind of smexy. She lives in Chicago with her son, where she tweets too much, sometimes runs really far, and waits for the Cubs to win the World Series.

Amy Jo Cousins' latest release is the duology Between a Rock and a Hard Place, which includes the two novellas - Love Me Like a Rock (Austin' story) and Hard Candy (Vinnie's story). 


When friends lose the benefits, can the friendship be saved?

Love Me Like A Rock

With the right art tools, there’s almost nothing Austin can’t make real. Except an official relationship with his best friend, rowing teammate and occasional hookup, Vinnie.

Emotional and sexual frustration fuel a spark between Austin and Sean, the nude model in drawing class. After a quick and very dirty encounter, all the reasons Austin has been waiting for Vinnie go fuzzy in his mind. 

But if Austin can’t get his head and his heart on the same page, he could lose both his friend, and his lover.

Hard Candy

Vincent always assumed he and Austin would eventually end up together. But now that Austin’s in love with another man, Vinnie is at a loss. 

After the world’s most awkward one-night stand with Bryan, a dance major, Vinnie is drawn to his vibrant spirit and calm center. 

Physically, the rowing jock and the glittery dancer can match each other stroke for booty pop. But for the lovers to meet on common ground, they’ll have to find a way to get moving in the same direction. 

Purchase links: Amazon / B&N / Kobo / iBooks


Review: Walk the Edge by Katie McGarry


Title: Walk the Edge (Thunder Road #2)
Author: Katie McGarry
Date of publication: 29 March 2016
Genre: YA/NA romance, bikers

Author's links:

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My rating: 4 Stars


One moment of recklessness will change their worlds.

Smart. Responsible. That's seventeen-year-old Breanna's role in her large family, and heaven forbid she put a toe out of line. Until one night of shockingly un-Breanna-like behavior puts her into a vicious cyber-bully's line of fire—and brings fellow senior Thomas "Razor" Turner into her life. 

Razor lives for the Reign of Terror motorcycle club, and good girls like Breanna just don't belong. But when he learns she's being blackmailed over a compromising picture of the two of them—a picture that turns one unexpected and beautiful moment into ugliness—he knows it's time to step outside the rules. 

And so they make a pact: he'll help her track down her blackmailer, and in return she'll help him seek answers to the mystery that's haunted him—one that not even his club brothers have been willing to discuss. But the more time they spend together, the more their feelings grow. And suddenly they're both walking the edge of discovering who they really are, what they want, and where they're going from here.


This is the second book in Katie McGarry’s Thunder Road series of YA/NA motorcycle club stories. I haven’t been reading much YA lately but I love Ms McGarry’s books and though the first one in this series was not a big hit with me, I was excited to try the next one.

I can honestly say I loved this one. It was so real and emotional, nothing light-hearted and easy about it. Its depth and seriousness were convincingly presented and the author made me care deeply about the characters.

I loved both Breanna and Razor and their romance was such a pleasure to follow. They seem complete opposites and two people who have nothing in common, yet they turned out to be just what the other needed.

I liked how the story explored serious issues they both face – her difficult family situation, the isolation even from her siblings and parents, all her hopes and dreams crushed because of  family obligations, her parents' lack of care or proper concern about Breanna’s feelings. Her family were not downright bad, just complicated, well-meaning but also oblivious and missing a lot of what was going on with their kids.

Razor’s troubles and issues were much heavier in a way – troubles with the motorcycle club, his distrust of those closest to him (and it was well deserved because they were all keeping secrets from him, which was the least pleasant element of the story for me and one I really disliked), problems at school, the unresolved issue of his mother's death and the public opinion of him as crazty, unstable, dangereous bad boy biker.

Ultimately, what brought Breanna and Razor together was a mix of their own issues and just a little help of a truly nasty classmate. The whole blackmail situation was very interesting and highlighted a problem common for many young people, online harassment/bullying. I think the author handled the issues really well drawing attention to its importance in present day and how difficult it is for young people to fight it.

I also really loved the romance in the story – tender and tentative, first-time love, some naivete, some misunderstandings, but so much heart-warming love and desire to be together despite everybody’s disapproval. Things didn’t magically work out for Razor and Breanna. They issues they had were serious and needed time and interference from all the adults around them to be properly solved by the end.

It’s a story of personal growth, of first love, of (re)building family relationships and building your way into the future.

Depth and profoundness, a YA romance that deals with real issues many young people face. It’s tender and sweet but doesn’t shy away from the rougher edges of life, especially keeping in mind that Razor is a member of a (legitimate) motorcycle club.

It explores ideas of image and appearances, how the other see and judge you and how you see yourself and finding your way into adulthood.

Ms McGarry is my to-go author for YA romance and heartily recommend all her books for her realistic and compassionate treatment of the many of the issues young people face today. There will be more books in this series and I can’t wait to see what she has prepared in store for us with them.

Purchase links: Amazon / B&N | ibooks | Indie | Kobo

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