

13 Oct 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: Stygian by Santino Hassell

Waiting on Wednesday is a book meme hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine and it features books that we are eagerly awaiting to be released.

Title: Stygian
Author: Santino Hassell
Genre/Themes: MM romance, PNR, musicians
Release Date: 26 Oct 2015
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Pre-order links: Dreamspinner Press / Amazon


Jeremy has been isolated and adrift since the death of his brother. Most people just see him as the skinny emo kid who wears eyeliner and plays drums. No one gets him. Nobody tries. He thought the indie rock band Stygian would become his anchor, but—lost in their own problems—they’re far from the family he sought.

Still, hoping to get close to Kennedy, the band's enigmatic guitarist, he follows Stygian to northern Louisiana for a summer retreat. They had planned to spend six weeks focusing on new music but things go awry as soon as they arrive at the long-deserted Caroway mansion. Tempers flare, sexual tension boils over into frustration, and Jeremy turns away from the band to find a friend in his eerily beautiful landlord Hunter Caroway.

Kennedy suspects there’s something off about the creepy mansion and its mysterious owners, but Jeremy thinks he's finally found somewhere he fits. It isn’t until Kennedy forces the Caroway’s secrets into the light that Jeremy realizes belonging sometimes comes with a price.

*** *** *** 

Why am I waiting for this? - I am not a big reader of horror/darker stories but I love Mr. Hassell's writing, both his contemporary series, Five Boroughs, and his free dystopian epic assassins saga, co-written with Ais, In the Company of Shadows. I'm intrigued by the blurb and curious about the story but it was the cover in the end which completely won me over. It's beautiful, isn't it?

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