

24 Feb 2014

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is weekly meme hosted The Broke and the Bookish. There is a new topic for each week and the participating bloggers are invited to post their Top Ten lists on it.

Top Ten Tuesday REWIND! 

Top Ten Books I Wish I Could Read Again For The First Time 
(originally done in October 2011)

There are many book that I'd like to read again for the first time - most are books that really surprised me, impressed me, or right out shattered me. I've picked my top ten books and since they are so different, I decided to divide them in three groups - children's, classics, contemporaries (newer releases).

I'm using the covers of the Bulgarian editions of the books I read in Bulgarian.

Children’s books

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll - one of my favourite children's books. I read it in English when I was in University and loved all the language games the author plays  

Pipi Longstockings by Astrid Lindgren - My favourite children's book and probably the first novel I read as a child, at least I remember it so. 


William Shakespeare - I read Romeo and Juliet (it's cover of the BG edition) in high school and really liked. Later in University (I took the equivalent of English major), I read most of Shakespeare's works in English.

East of Eden by John Steinbeck - I read it in high school and I was really impressed. I re-read it a few years ago and it was just as good as I remembered. 

Lord of the Flies by William Golding - I read this book as part of my studies in University. It's a brutal tale about good and evil, society vs savagery.

Contemporary (recent releases) 

The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins  - I was just blow away when I read, I had never read anything like it before, so it was first for me in YA and dystopian fiction. 

If I Stay / Where She Went by Gayle Forman - It's a beautifully written, emotional YA/NA story of love and loss

Game of Thrones series by George Martin - I read it translated in Bulgarian and I quite liked it. Team Stark all the way :)

Fever series by Karen Marie Moning - another mind blowing series. My first in Urban fantasy and I just love it. 

Delirium by Lauren Oliver - It's the first book in the Derilium series - another dystopia which I found fascinating though the ending of the series was a real disappointment.

What topic did you choose to do this Tuesday? Leave me a comment and I'll stop by to check out your TTT post!


  1. Awesome topic! :) I adore Pippi Longstocking and Alice in Wonderland, and I really, really wish I could go back and read The Hunger Games series for the first time too! It was just so amazing. :) I chose Top Ten Favorite Book Covers:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  2. I'd like to read books for the first time again. I adore that feeling when you read an amazing book for the first time. I'd love to read Lord Of The Flies for the first time again.

  3. Great topic pick! I would for sure love to re-read KMM and Hunger Games again. Although it's not going to be the same getting to know the characters and feeling all the emotions from the plot twists and what not.
    My Top Ten Tuesday

  4. Oh--East of Eden! I remember reading that book one summer a long time ago--better than any soap opera on TV! What a great book!
    I also loved the Pippi books. I read Lord of the Flies in HS, but I don't think I was ready for it back then--I might need to revisit that one!

    1. You definitely reread Lord of the Flies ;) It's not an easy book but it's one that stays with you.

  5. Great pick. I would definitely love to read Hunger Games for the first time again, such a wonderful and mind-blowing reading experience. Nice list :) My TTT.

  6. Good list, I loved Alice in Wonderland and Game of Thrones as well, I overall like the Starks especially Sansa but I want Daenerys to be the one on the Iron Throne in the end.

  7. Great topic idea! I would definitely love to re-read Hunger Games and the Fever series again. I think I would also add Harry Potter and The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn to my list. Thanks for sharing!
